Monday, October 22, 2007

Pea Soup Design

Who has seen an example of my design sense? If you know me you should know that I am like a spartan and that I have no innate aesthetic sense of my own. I believe that furniture should be arranged to maximize positive energy flow, and so with the lay of a page, but to define what that means exactly is perhaps more art than science.

When I am designing a space, web page or home interior, I collect the chips, be they text images or furniture, and I arrange them in the first pleasing order that comes to me, included with absolutely minimal adornment, decorating them with only what I deem to be absolutely necessary to facilitate navigation and to preserve a sense of accommodation to save my readership from wondering what I wanted them to see.

I cook the same way. I'm making pea soup right now, and it matches the color of this page. I hope that it turns out quite delicious, but I'm short on the usual pea soup ingredients by a few, and I'm afraid therefore that it might turn out non-delicious. Such is life, so I suppose I'd better have a better list the next time I go shopping for food!

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