Sunday, May 27, 2007

Morning Activities

Today, yoga and the mac. I can sacrifice my second monitor from the office, it's kind of fuzzy anyway and would make a much better TV in the main room.

Lets see if I can hook up the cable modem via USB to the mac, and set it up as a router... yeah, on second thought lets not do that. It could be a good idea. But then I might still might need to hook up another hub or router in lieu of just the Airport Express.

We're going to need a hub one way or another, unless I get another Mac Mini or hook it up with wireless. I do have that spare wireless card at Tuesday Studios...

Next option for something to do is to move Blackruby to the home office, and made it into a server/router combination. I want to make one machine responsible for the VPN, so the rest can just auto configure by means of DHCP and be "on the network" as if connected directly to the main office LAN. The future is hazy with regard to how this is actually going to fall together.

Current location: Home Office
Next stop: Tuesday Studios Main Office


  • Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop LiveCD
  • Wireless MiniPCI Dell TrueMobile 1150
  • 2 More Monitors (from Warsaw: for BlackRuby Primary Head, Notebah x2 Heads)
  • Internet Stealing Device (from Waterloo)
  • VPN Link (from Home to Tuesday)

  • Secure Remote Access
That is all, until later.


Kingdon said...

Just about taken care of things at the house as much as I can. It looks like my cable modem has bound itself to my Airport Express, which means I may still need my so-called internet stealing device and WDS to continue my job of being a smooth operator.

On the plus side, the new arrangement will leave me with the one remaining cable left "in the way" moved to a place where it will be very hard to trip over. This is positive progress! Somebody call off the Vogon Fleet, will you?!

Kingdon said...

Made it to the office, I've picked up everything that looks immediately useful and ordered everything else neatly. Hobo11 is nearly out of space!

So while my SVN repository is technically up and running, there is so little free space remaining on /var as to make any serious commits unfeasible.

First fix VMWare and/or SAMBA, then it's time to man up and dedicate some serious space to SVN.