Saturday, May 26, 2007

Essential Network Services

OK been living without things I once considered to be critical network services for well over a week at this point, now it's time for a state of the network address:

  • Revision Control SVN: UP
  • RAID5 Samba Shares: DOWN
  • LVM Samba Shares: DOWN
  • Futuristic Video Portal: UP
  • Mac Mini VPN Router: DOWN
Called out a raindance on my facebook Posted Items, and I've got my umbrella shared in Google Reader. Thanks for all of the websites!
  • RSS Workspace: UP
  • Rain on Garden: UP
  • Headphones: OK
The headphones are actually still chilling in main office with the broken keyboard. I want to get a Chat50 for my home, the headphones are goofy looking.

In the office: three machines are up and running on a production basis: Sheng, Hobo11, and Grandma. Grandma is the new router, and Whiteruby is in pieces scattered across the floor. Blackruby is similarly disconnected, both have no apparent purpose and will make fine workstations. Akhira is not booting for reasons still unknown, and the Indigo2 is chilling in the corner, working just fine but nobody knows the password to see what it's doing.

VMWare Server is still down, on account of the SAMBA breakage has taken out access to all of the Virtual Machine images.

Subversion is back up and running, and we have bypassed LAMP. Hobo11 is the primary Apache Server for now.

Tomorrow, install Ubuntu on Blackruby and see how much space we can muster across a VPN, and how much data we can recover onto reliable disks. Hopefully Wednesday has not lost anything permanently!


Kingdon said...

Funny coincidence that I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't study Arabic... something about opportunities for ambiguity that has a hold on my attention right now:

That is an interesting typo, the one that says Main Office (as opposed to The Main Office, My Main Office, Tuesday Studios' Main Office)

من - "man" - who فصحى
مين - "mein" - also who عامية
غالب - "ghalib" - primary, more like dominant or prevailing
رائي - "ra2eyi" - head

So, if the sentence was in Arabic there would be no confusion, because we would be using another word altogether in this situation. But the way I have it phrased you could misinterpret:

"The headphones are still in WHOSE office?"

Hahaha I have to do something else to amuse myself now.

Kingdon said...

wow, there's an error in my correction...

رائي translates closer to "opinionated" if I am reading myself correctly

رائسي is what I meant, which is Official.