Friday, June 29, 2007

Wednesday Eve Landscape and Taxi Co.

Kingdon stretches legs and prepares to straddle the high horse

If there's two things in this world that I really don't like, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not alone here, these are them:

  1. Losing money in a bar (especially at a pool table)
  2. Watching people drive when it's clear that they've had too much to drink
Preventing these things can, in some cases, require foresight. However, as long as we've got cellular telephones at our disposal, it need not be this way!

The sign at the bar says "No Soliciting!" so I figured I'd better announce this publicly in some other place. If you find yourself in either of these situations, and you need someone to bail you out, call me up! I'm actually a pool shark in a landscaper's clothing.


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