Monday, July 9, 2007

Crash-Proof Arabic Language Base

For my next trick, I will attempt to learn 3 API's and produce a data model and controller for my Arabic Language Base application, Qaal. There are several goals in mind with this project: aside from utility as a learning tool for Arabic language, it should also be written to take advantage of public databases for authentication and data storage as much as possible.

A personal account on Yahoo's Delicious server will be required of all users, to maintain a list of the documents which have contributed to their personal corpus of understanding. Further, the app will likely maintain more information locally using Google Gears, and store this information on a private Subversion server when the application is terminated. Local configuration files and databases are a no-no, for data-greedy applications like this one.

We want to store: vocabulary lists, with translations, and also links to documents. Go.

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